Sweden and the United Kingdom share a longstanding and robust trade, investment and business partnership. Across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, approximately 1,200 Swedish and Swedish-affiliated companies have established a presence, with many more engaging in exports from Sweden to the UK. Each year, Business Sweden in the UK actively supports over 50 companies in evaluating, entering, and expanding within the UK market.
Opportunities for Swedish companies
英国为不同行业提供了许多机会,并为初创企业和规模扩张提供了有利的环境. 乐博彩票官方app企业不仅在英国找到了大量开展业务的机会,而且还将英国作为全球扩张的跳板. In sectors such as Defence and Security, Energy, Healthcare and Life Science, Technology, and Transport, where Swedish firms can significantly contribute, Business Sweden maintains extensive networks for support.
On the bilateral front, Sweden and the UK signed a Strategic Partnership in 2023, outlining six key areas for enhanced cooperation: Trade and Investment, Security and Defence, Science and Innovation, Energy, Nature and Climate Change, Global Cooperation, and People-to-People relations. For Swedish companies active in the UK market, this Partnership serves as a strategic guide, facilitating engagement with pertinent stakeholders and guiding activities effectively.
Possible challenges
Swedish businesses view the UK as a pivotal reference market for global activities. However, 正如我们对贸易和投资专员兼国家经理古斯塔夫Bergström的采访所强调的那样, Swedish companies face challenges navigating the ongoing readjustments post-Brexit.
How we can help
乐博彩票官方app商务(乐博彩票官方app贸易和投资委员会)自1973年以来一直在英国设有办事处. 我们的团队由14名专业人士组成,是全球网络的一部分,超过500名专家遍布40多个乐博彩票官方app. Business Sweden offers a wide range of consulting services, including Market Expansion, Sales Acceleration, M&A, Public Affairs, Supply Chain Management, Business Incubation, and Operations, as well as Government-Enabled Services such as Invest Promotion, Business Delegations, Events, and Trade & Invest Facilitation. In our London office, 我们还为有兴趣的企业提供战略建议和运营支持 Republic of Ireland.

Gustaf Bergström
Market Area Director NEA and Trade Commissioner & Country Manager, United Kingdom & IrelandWhat are the main advantages for Swedish companies considering expanding to the UK?
英国为寻求国际扩张的乐博彩票官方app公司提供了几个关键优势. Geographical proximity, substantial market size, 历史上,相对较低的进入门槛鼓励了许多乐博彩票官方app企业在英国建立业务, with some maintaining operations for over a century.
According to our annual Business Climate Survey, Sweden maintains a robust brand reputation in the UK, bolstering the ‘Swedish brand’ and positively influencing business outcomes. In a global and competitive environment, Swedish companies often view the UK as a benchmark market for their activities, products, and services, leveraging its dynamic business environment. 此外,许多人将英国视为向其他全球乐博彩票官方app扩张的战略跳板.
What are the risks and challenges Swedish companies may face in the UK?
Since the UK departed from the European Union and its single market and customs union, 乐博彩票官方app公司在英国乐博彩票官方app的交易要求方面遇到了重大调整. These changes include new trade barriers and customs regulations, adversely affecting their operations in the UK. At Business Sweden, we specialise in assisting companies in navigating this evolving landscape, 利用伦敦办事处和斯德哥尔摩总部的贸易便利化专家提供量身定制的支持.
What specific opportunities are there for Swedish companies present in the UK?
Following the establishment of a Strategic Partnership between Sweden and the UK, Business Sweden welcomes a clear roadmap for strengthened bilateral cooperation. Key areas include Trade and Investment, Security and Defence, Energy, and Science and Innovation, among others. Additionally, 全球和欧洲地缘政治紧张局势加剧可能会创造机会, particularly in Security and Defence, bolstered by Sweden’s recent NATO accession. Furthermore, 乐博彩票官方app在绿色转型方面的国际领导地位为乐博彩票官方app创新型公司提供了在英国乐博彩票官方app展示其可持续解决方案的机会.